Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

I had the best Labor day ever. We cooked a big dinner and everyone came over to watch the fireworks.
These are some of my bestfriends :)

The view was literally incredible! My city is so pretty and I love my house so much.


  1. wowza. did you take those firework photos? they are insane and so good :) mine always turn out blurry from the firework, even though i have a firework setting on my camera, blah!

    let me know when you get your giveaway package in the mail. i sent over the weekend, sorry it has taken so long!!

  2. That is a phenomenal photo of the fireworks - I love the first one of those two :)

  3. Sounds like you had such a good time. You are BEAUTIFUL!
    And I loveee fireworks and taking pictures of them. :]

    Cute skirt miss.

  4. I'm glad you had fun! :)
    You have the most lovely smile ever!

  5. You have such a lovely blog! Glad to know you!
