Sunday, March 13, 2011

Missed my Blog

So in between getting my new apartment unpacked and working all the time I haven't much time for anything especially blogging. And I kinda missed it. Trey and I are doing really well. Actually everything is going really good. Except the weather here has been so crazy. Snowing one day, then warm enough to wear a dress the next. I'm just going to make this update about my awesome saturday with Trey!

We started our date off with going to the conservatory in this beautiful park we have here. They have the prettiest plants, but my favorite part is the cactus room. In one of the buildings they had all those beautiful origami butterflies and paper cranes. It was so nice out too.

Afterward we went and had mexican food and then we saw Blue Valentine. I loved the movie even though it made me cry my eyes out. And we ended the night at a coffee shop across the street from the theater. It was so pretty and we split a teapot of peppermint tea.

How was your weekend?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Last Night on Klotter

Over the weekend Trey and I had one last party at our old house before we moved into the new place. I put on one of my new dresses. It was bittersweet. I'm gonna miss the view from our old bedroom, but I am in love with my new house and I feel so much more at home than I ever have. Its crazy because this is the first time that I have ever just had one roommate and it is my husband! It is such a nice feeling to just be alone with him and cook our meals in our cozy little kitchen.

Since we were moving I couldn't find my computer charger and we didn't have internet. But now I'm back! And happier than ever. I can't wait to post photos of the new place once I'm done un-packing.
Yesterday I went thrifting and found so many sweet finds. I can't wait to share!

Sorry It took So long

My Trip to Asheville was wonderful. It was such a cute town. We walked around, shopped (mostly window shopping since none of us had money.) We literally just laughed the entire time.

I haven't been able to blog lately because I've been in the midst of moving into my new apartment!!! Which I am absolutely in love with.