Monday, July 25, 2011

Change is in the Air

Today I was thinking about my daily routine. It made me really sad.
On days when I work it goes something like this.
5:00 am- Wake up, get to work by 6:30. I rarely get ready. I just wash my hair and leave.
1:00 pm- I'm off for the day, I usually won't have many plans so I go home to my messy house watch desperate housewives and wait for Trey to get home. I haven't been keeping the house clean or making dinner for my husband that works so hard.
Usually he gets home and we go out with friends and I'm not in bed until like 1:30.

So heres how I would like to change things.
I want to wake up early enough to get ready for work and look presentable. When I get off of work I want to start running through the neighborhood I live in. It is gorgeous there and it is a shame that I don't spend more time exploring it.

I want to start keeping my house clean for my husband. (We both are such HUGE mess makers.) And I want to start cooking dinners for Trey that I put love and time into. I want to start being more of a housewife for him. I just need some more time for ME. I want to start focusing on OUR health as a couple.

I just wanted to share a picture of my most prized possession, ICKARUS! He is getting so big. Yesterday I was playing around and put this t-shirt on him and he liked it haha. The most bizarre pet.

What do you like to do for your own special 'Me' time?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

100 Post

I just wanted to show everyone how long my hair now is...Finally!

Hey Blog, How are you?

Today I missed my blog. I wish that I could update it everyday to remember how great this summer is. I've been so busy traveling and working lately that I have barely had anytime just to catch up and have some ME time. This post is picture heavy just to show you some pictures of where I've been.

I went to Summer camp music festival in Chillicothe Illinois. I went with my very bestfriends and it changed my life forever. I probably had the best time of my entire life.

I got another kitten named Mauly. She is the sweetest girl. Her big brother Ickarus was not very happy but he loves her now and they actually play together.

One of my best-friends got married so I had one of the best weekends of my life celebrating their marriage. Trey was also in the wedding with me. She looked gorgeous and I loved our outfits.

My sister, mom, and I went to Tennessee. It was such a great time. We went hiking and tubing and spent most of our time up in the mountains. I didn't want to come home.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I know I am. I went to the 3 am showing of Harry Potter, I felt like a little bit of my childhood died yesterday. I am so in love with my husband. My days have been spent outside, kayaking or just having people over every night for game playing and wine drinking. I am happy.