Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wolves In the Garden

I've been absent way too long because all I do currently is work, boo!
The weather here in Cincinnati has been absolutely bizarre. Somedays it is freezing and the next it feels good enough just to wear a light jacket. All that I know is, I am so ready for summertime.
An Update on things that I'm excited about: First, George Clooney is filming a movie with Ryan freaking Gosling minutes from my house in Cincinnati! They needed to cast some extras and I sent my photo in so I am hoping that I get picked. Second of all my landlord recently had some family matters that he is attending to and asked us if he could move back into the house that we are living in right now. This is good news to us because we are paying alot of money to rent here and we wanted something a little cheaper so that we can start saving to buy our first home. So, we have been house searching and we found a place that we fell in love with, we are currently waiting to hear if we got. It's above the cutest coffee shop ever. It will also be the first time that Trey and I live alone together. We are all about community living so we've always had roommates, until now! And I'm so excited to see what it is like to just be the two of us.

I'm gonna post some pictures of all the new clothes that I have gotten lately.
This tank top included is one of them. (This outfit is perfect for summer. I couldn't wait though.)
I'm feeling good right now. How is everyone?

Ps- Ickarus is back from the vet and he is doing great!


  1. I'm well thanks :) I love the excitement of looking for a new house or flat. We have our own now so we just keep tweaking the furniture - we were given so much second hand stuff when we moved into our own flat that it's nice to have our own stuff that we picked out rather than a hand me down.
