Tuesday, February 15, 2011

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things: Part One

We move out very soon, it is all happening really fast. I am so excited. We are having one last party on the 26th and then the 27th is moving day. So I've been going through things around the house and today I wanted to share a few of my favorite things I've collected over the years.

This year my brother and law Wally made me this awesome stencil. Trey has one as well. I think it is so fun and adorable.

My little Cat box from Urban outfitters, I found this gem for 2 dollars!

My white shelves holding things that are so dear to me on them. The top shelf has an owl that I thrifted at Goodwill when I was 16 for 60 cents. This is one of my favorite things that I own. In the box to the right there is a skull, my dad got this when he was in the army and gave it to me when I moved out. I love it so much The bottom shelf holds one of my many sets of russian stacking dolls. I love this one so much though because I bought it at the market in Australia for 5 dollars. On the left hand side I have a cat and a little fawn. My grandpa gave me both of these when I was really little. He was quite the collector , he's passed away now so it's a good memory.

These stacking dolls are my favorite ones. My mom gave them to me this year for Christmas. She is so thoughtful and I love her so much.

This lamp is the greatest thing ever. I found it at a goodwill and loved it so much. I didn't have any money on me at the time and Trey said he didn't either. Turns out the next day he picks me up and its sitting in the back of his car waiting for me. He surprised me with it. I was like 15 then, so romantic.

This is my current couch. I love it so much and got it for $25!! Although it isn't the most comfortable to sit on it sure looks good in a house. I'm selling it before we move into our new house to upgrade to something a little more cozy.

This is just part one of my favorite things. I think I may start doing Wednesdays post about my favorite things. How fun!


  1. you have so much cool stuff! i can't believe you got that couch for only $25, amazing.

  2. Wow, I love the collection of quirky things you have! My style is so similar, I have random cats and roosters in my room haha!

  3. those are really cute nesting dolls!
