Tuesday, September 14, 2010

As of Lately

Yesterday Treys sweet mother took me out to lunch and then took me to get my make up done at Bare Minerals. We've both been interested in maybe buying some of their make-up but I've never really been sure about it because I'm not used to spending a lot of money on things like makeup. However I must say that I loved how it felt on my face. It was a really good day and we seemed to have bonded a lot. (This photo is what my make up looked like afterward. )

This morning I woke up and I was so sick. I've had a fever pretty much all day and my throat hurts incredibly bad. I was home alone all day and I didn't have any medicine or anything to eat so my dad brought me a chocolate milkshake from Arbys. Which are the best things ever. And he brought some tylenol sore throat for me. It was the liquid kind, just because I'm 19 doesn't mean I can swallow pills ;) Because I totally can't.

I felt so accomplished yesterday before I woke up feeling like death.
-I applied for school in the late fall at Cincinnati State for Early Childhood Education :) I'm so proud of myself since going to school has always been something that I've really wanted but after graduation, I immediately got married and moved to Australia to do YWAM there wasn't any time for it.
-I joined a gym! Which I am very excited about because I'm going to be honest..I am not doing very good at my new diet but at least I'll be working a lot more off.
-I also subscribed to Netflix which is the greatest thing ever. All I've done today since I've been sick is watch the movies that it allows you to unlimited on the computer. They have every movie I've ever wanted to see.
-I made a portfolio for housekeeping, to maybe do as a side job once a month for people! It would just be a little bit of extra money for us that we could really use.

Trey and I only have one car. A 1998 Nissan, It is getting pretty old. We also have a honda motorcycle that is also very old. His battery is dead on his motorcycle and we are sharing one car. It is killing me! All day he works and I have to sit home. Keep us in your prayers because we are trying to take out some loans to buy a brand new truck. We need at least one dependable car so hopefully it works out!
I hope you are enjoying your week so far. I have to work in the morning! So I'm going to wrap this up so that I can go watch Sons of Anarchy before I go to sleep. Please tell me that some of you watch it? It is my favorite show ever!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You did YWAM? Thats sooo cool! My friend and her hubby did YWAM like 10 years ago and they have some friends who are leading a team at the moment - we had a YWAM team come sleep over at our church for a couple of nights - they were like extra members of the youth group for a few days lol. (The leaders were Corey and his wife but I can't remember her name doh!)

    I keep meaing to join the gym and then don't! What a fail! lol. On the other hand my housemate as found a trampolining for sale at like a bargain price so we might get that and have it in the garden :D

    No I'm sorry I don't watch Sons of Anarchy - atm I'm working my way through Season 4 of Ugly Betty
