Friday, October 8, 2010


Stress is absolutely killing my lately.
I haven't had any desire lately to do ANYTHING. I'm talking I don't wanna get out of bed, I don't wanna wash my hair (which is a bright new color) I don't wanna move or go to work or even see anyone that I know.
Why you ask? I have no idea and lately I've been so emotional.
I literally have no one to talk about any of this with.
It has also been occurring to me lately that I don't have a bestfriend. I have a couple of very close friends but none of them are my bestfriend other than my husband. But I want and need another girl in my life so bad.
I should feel blessed for my job and everything that I have but I'm having such a hard time doing so.
I hate my job. The girls that work with me are so catty and they literally don't stop terrorizing eachother. All I want to do is go to work and make my money and not have to worry about anyone else.
If I could ask for some major prayer it would be so appreciated. On top of all this Trey and I only have one car and it is making it nearly impossible to get anything done. And this morning someone tried to break into our house. But thank God they were scared away by our alarm system.

I need a change of pace.
What do you do when you feel like this?


  1. i feel like this a lot of the time as well. i find it very easy to get run down and then just get to the point where i literally don't want to do anything ever and that includes going out and being social and then that makes things worse usually because i'm a hermit who doesn't leave the house, lol. it's bad...anyway, i want you to know that you can email me at absolutely anytime. i've been told that i'm good at giving advice and sometimes i feel like it helps when you're talking to someone who is outside of the situation that's happening and doesn't know any of the people involved, ya know? one of the people who i tell all of my secrets to is a girl i met online when i was 16 and we've been penpals/email pals/whatever you want to call it ever since! we can tell each other everything because we know the other person will never meet my friend or whoever i am talking about, ya know?? it's a nice feeling and a good way to get things off your chest. anyway, i love recieving emails and i'd like to be that gal pal for you (even though we can't have real life hangouts unfortunately) so i mean that. anytime.


  2. oh i almost forgot...your hair looks absolutely GORGEOUS!!!

  3. oh dear, I can relate for sure. It is very hard to only have one car! (Owen and I only had one car up until a few months ago--I may have already said this--but we are most likely going to go back to one car again!) Also, as much as I love fall, it is also when my seasonal depression starts: aka the not wanting to get out of bed syndrome! We are moving out of our apartment and going to be renting out the basement at my sister's house and I really think that will help--with the fall and winter blues. So my advise on that would be to surround yourself with people that you love and trust...If I don't have someone keeping me accountable for things like that I just won't do them (like showering, as gross as that sounds) As far as your job-- :( it sucks to work with women sometimes--they are SO ridiculous with their cattyness, LAME. My advice for that is kill em with kindess, and never participate. (with the lameness) And my biggest advice over all is put your trust in Jesus, as well as depend on your husband!

  4. Aww. I'm sorry you are having a rough patch. I hate times like those.. butttt I betcha good, beautiful, amazing times are coming your way and this will make you appreciate those even more!
    I hear you on the girl best friend thing. After high school my best friend moved 12 states away and it took several years to find another close girlfriend. Now, I have an amazing one, but its just so hard for some reason!
    I know its not the same, but if you need to vent or just talk we can email!

    I hope your day is abundantly blessed.

    Anddd Your hair is gorgeous. Love it, you lil beauty.

  5. I know what you mean about not having a best girlfriend. I talk to my boyfriend and even mom more than any girl... but I really wish I had one, too. :(

    Sorry things are tough for you right now, sweety. But I just found your blog, so you should be happy to know that this is lovely and I'm following you right this instant!

    xx Elanor

    p.s. your hair looks so cool, girl!

  6. Oh my first comment vanished - where did it go?

    Okay try again! (sorry if it's a duplicate!)

    I know I'm a complete stranger in comparison but if you want to chat drop me an email. (hannah at rockangel dot co dot uk)

    I know I'm on a different time zone and stuff but I'll try and reply back as soon as I can :)
