Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Trillion Dollars

Lately I have been feeling like a million dollars. I started a new diet yesterday and actually worked out for A WHOLE HOUR! I was so proud of myself. I've been working a lot lately and I'm getting much better at my job. I went to the doctor for check ups and everything! Today Trey and I went up on our roof for a bit before he had to leave for work. I miss him so much our schedules have been pretty crazy lately I'm working from 10-2 and I work a half hour from home and he's working from 4 to 2am so we literally only get an hour together a day, monday through thursday.

Trey also took these silly pictures of me in our comfy bed as he was walking out the door. Good grief I love him.

You can finally see my honey pot I got tattooed on my leg a few weeks ago!
Don't forget to comment for my giveaway : )
I'm ready for the weekend. I have a lot of house work to get done that I keep putting off so I'm gonna go start on it and maybe later on paint my nails and watch Little Children.


  1. Youuuuuure adorable!!!
    - Yay for being healthy, makes ya feel so much better I agree.
    And that stinks that yalls schedules completely clash. I hate when that happens. I guess it makes the time you do get together a little sweeter at least.
    Hope you're having a good day miss.

  2. That tattoo is lovely-- well, what I can see of it. :) I'm glad you've been sticking to your workout/diet plan-- it's encouraging, for sure. Sucks about the schedule, though.

    Anyhow, hope you are having a just-as-wonderful-as-you-are day. :)

  3. I love the second picture of you!
    Sorry to hear about your clashing schedules, I know how hard that can be!

  4. god you're adorable. you look so good in those photos. that's awesome that you've been working out and feeling like a million bucks, working out boosts endorphins which make you feel good so keep it up! which reminds me, i need to workout today as well ;)

    ps: closer photo of your tattoo? i can barely see it and i want to!

  5. You guys are so sweet all the time :)

  6. I hate when Brian and I work opposites, it really is awful (especially since we don't live together yet D:), and I want to see your tattoo up closer! Yay for thigh tattoos (:
